TAS Consulting

Non-Resident Director Bonds

  • A Stress-Free Procedure: Navigating the complexities of non-resident director bonds can be daunting, but at TAS Consulting, we make the process seamless with step-by-step guidance, ensuring stress-free compliance with Irish regulations.
  • Expert Advice: Our team of experts provides personalised advice tailored to your specific business needs, ensuring you understand and comply with all regulatory requirements efficiently.
  • Focus on Your Business: You can concentrate on your core business activities while we handle the regulatory burdens. Contact TAS Consulting today to simplify your compliance needs.
  • Time-Saving Solution: A non-resident director bond is a requisite for companies in Ireland with directors residing outside the European Economic Area (EEA).
  • Competitive Prices: At TAS Consulting, we understand the importance of cost-effectiveness. That’s why our services are competitively priced, providing you with high-quality solutions that cater to your budget. Get exceptional value for your investment and maintain compliance without breaking the bank.

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Non-resident directors are individuals who serve on the board of an Irish company but reside outside of Ireland. To comply with Irish company law, specifically the Companies Act 2014, companies must ensure that at least one director is a resident of the European Economic Area (EEA). If this requirement cannot be met, the company must take out a Non-Resident Director Bond. This bond acts as a form of insurance, providing a financial guarantee that the company will meet its statutory obligations.

  • According to Section 137 of The Companies Act 2014, the bond has to be taken out when an Irish Company doesn’t have a minimum of one company director who’s resident in the EEA (i.e. that the EU and Norway, Liechtenstein, and Iceland).
  • This requirement issues residency instead of citizenship. As an instance, A Director who holds an Irish passport but resides out of the EEA would additionally demand this kind of bond.
  • If a minimum of one business manager is an EEA resident, then this bond isn’t needed. But, you might still need one of our additional Title Indemnity bonds.

What is a Non-Resident Director Bond?

A Non-Resident Director Bond is a financial instrument designed to ensure that companies without an EEA-resident director comply with Irish regulatory requirements. The bond, typically issued by an insurance company, is valued at €25,000 and lasts for a minimum of two years. Should the company fail to meet its legal obligations, the bond can be called upon to cover fines, penalties, or other costs associated with non-compliance.

Purpose and Benefits

The primary purpose of the Non-Resident Director Bond is to provide a safeguard against the risks associated with having non-resident directors. By requiring companies to secure this bond, Irish authorities aim to ensure that all companies maintain a minimum level of accountability and compliance. The benefits of obtaining a Non-Resident Director Bond extend beyond mere compliance; it also provides peace of mind for directors and shareholders, knowing that the company has taken steps to mitigate potential legal risks.

  • Purpose
  • Benefits

How to Obtain a Non-Resident Director Bond

  1. Identify a Reputable Bond Provider: The first step is to find an insurance company or financial institution that offers Non-Resident Director Bonds. Ensure the provider is reputable and experienced in handling such bonds.
  1. Application Process: The application process typically involves providing detailed information about the company, its directors, and its financial health. Some providers may require a credit check or additional documentation.
  1. Bond Issuance: Once the application is approved, the bond is issued. The cost of the bond usually depends on various factors, including the risk profile of the company and its directors.
  1. Filing with CRO: After securing the bond, it must be filed with the Companies Registration Office (CRO) in Ireland. This ensures that the company is officially recognized as having met its compliance obligations.

Renewing or Replacing the Bond

A Non-Resident Director Bond must be renewed every two years. Companies should start the renewal process well before the expiration date to avoid lapses in coverage. If a company is able to appoint an EEA-resident director at any point, the bond can be terminated following the CRO’s approval.

In summary, a Non-Resident Director Bond is an essential requirement for Irish companies with directors residing outside the EEA. It not only fulfils legal obligations but also provides a layer of financial security, promoting stability and confidence among stakeholders.

Legal Requirements

Obtaining a Non-Resident Director Bond involves a clear understanding of legal requirements and adhering to specific guidelines as outlined by the Companies Registration Office (CRO). The bond must cover the company for a period of at least two years and can be renewed as needed. Companies are required to secure a bond with a value of €25,000, which ensures coverage for any fines resulting from breaches of the Companies Acts.

The bond provider must be an authorised institution within the EEA, capable of underwriting such financial guarantees. Once secured, a copy of the bond certificate must be filed with the CRO to validate the company’s compliance status. Failure to maintain this bond or to renew it upon expiration can result in legal penalties, including fines and potential legal actions against the company’s directors.

Additionally, it’s vital to recognize that the Non-Resident Director Bond is not a substitute for comprehensive governance and compliance measures within the company. It acts as a financial safety net but does not absolve directors from their fiduciary duties or the necessity to adhere to all applicable laws and regulations. Therefore, companies should also invest in robust compliance practices to mitigate risks and ensure their business operations are fully aligned with legal standards.

Benefits of a Non-Resident Director Bond

Securing a Non-Resident Director Bond offers several benefits for companies operating in Ireland without a resident director from the EEA:

  • Legal Compliance: The primary advantage of obtaining a Non-Resident Director Bond is ensuring compliance with Irish legal requirements. It helps companies meet the statutory obligations set out by the Companies Acts, thereby avoiding legal repercussions.
  • Access to European Markets: Having a Non-Resident Director Bond in place can facilitate smoother business operations and relationships within the EEA. It provides reassurance to potential partners, investors, and regulatory bodies about the company’s commitment to adhering to legal standards.
  • Financial Security: The €25,000 bond acts as a financial safeguard, covering fines and penalties resulting from non-compliance. This guarantees that the company can address any legal breaches without jeopardizing its financial stability.
  • Flexibility in Director Appointments: For multinational companies or startups looking to establish a presence in Ireland, the bond provides flexibility by allowing the appointment of non-resident directors. This flexibility can be crucial for strategic business decisions and international expansions.
  • Enhanced Reputation: Demonstrating a commitment to regulatory compliance and corporate governance through the acquisition of a Non-Resident Director Bond can enhance a company’s reputation. It signals to stakeholders that the company takes its legal responsibilities seriously.
  • Continuity and Stability: Should there be any changes in the residency status of existing directors, having a bond ensures continuity in compliance, preventing any interruptions in business operations due to sudden non-compliance issues.
  • Risk Mitigation: The bond serves as an essential risk management tool, providing peace of mind that there is a financial mechanism in place to cope with unexpected non-compliance fines. This allows company leadership to focus more on strategic growth rather than financial contingencies.

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By securing a Non-Resident Director Bond, companies can confidently navigate the complexities of regulatory requirements in Ireland, maintaining smooth operations and a positive standing within the business community.

  • How to Obtain
  • Renewal
  • Alternatives

How to Obtain the Bond

The process of obtaining a Non-Resident Director Bond involves:

  1. Contacting a recognized bonding company.
  2. Providing necessary documentation including company details and identification of directors.
  3. Paying a premium which typically covers the two-year duration of the bond.

Renewal and Continuity

When the initial two-year period of the Non-Resident Director Bond comes to an end, it is crucial to renew the bond to ensure continuous compliance. Failure to renew the bond can result in penalties and legal complications. The renewal process is typically straightforward but requires timely action to avoid any lapses. Here’s what you need to know:

  1. Review of Bond Conditions: Prior to the bond’s expiry, review the conditions and ensure no amendments are necessary. Confirm that the bonding company’s terms remain favourable and aligned with your company’s needs.
  2. Preparation of Documentation: Gather and update any required documentation, including current company details, changes in directorship, and any alterations in business operations. This documentation ensures that the bonding company has accurate and up-to-date information.
  3. Timely Communication with Bonding Company: Contact the bonding company well in advance of the bond’s expiration. Early communication helps avoid last-minute complications and ensures a smooth renewal process.
  4. Payment of Renewal Premium: Pay the required premium for the renewal term, which typically covers another two-year period. The premium amount may vary based on the bonding company’s policies and the company’s financial health.
  5. Confirmation of Renewal: Upon successful completion of the renewal process, obtain written confirmation from the bonding company. This confirmation acts as proof of continued compliance and should be filed with other essential company records.

Alternatives to Non-Resident Director Bond

While a Non-Resident Director Bond is a common solution for companies without an EEA-resident director, there are alternative options available:

  1. Appointing an EEA-Resident Director: Finding and appointing an individual who resides in an EEA country to join the board of directors can eliminate the need for a bond. This option requires careful selection to ensure the candidate meets the company’s criteria and regulatory requirements.
  2. Establishing a Branch in an EEA Country: Some companies may opt to establish a branch office in an EEA member state, thereby meeting the residency requirement indirectly. This approach can also provide business advantages such as market expansion and tax benefits.
  3. Corporate Services: Engaging in corporate services firms that provide nominee director services. These firms can supply an EEA-resident director on a contractual basis, ensuring compliance without the commitment of a permanent hire.

By understanding the requirements and processes associated with Non-Resident Director Bonds and exploring possible alternatives, companies can make informed decisions to maintain compliance and support their business operations effectively.

Steps to Obtaining a Non-Resident Director Bond

For more detailed information or to get started with setting up a Non-Resident Director Bond, feel free to reach out to our expert team today.

Office 80, Cherry Orchard Industrial Estate Ballyfermot Road, Co.

Dublin D10NX96, Ireland.

Monday to Friday: 0800 hours – 1600 hours
Saturday & Sunday: Closed

Email: moh@tasconsulting.ie

Tel: +353 01 442 8230

Mobile/Whatsapp: +353 0 85 1477625

By following these steps, your company can secure a non-resident director bond, ensuring compliance with Irish company law requirements and providing peace of mind regarding potential regulatory obligations.

  • Exemptions
  • Key Points
  • Purpose of
  • Needs to Know

Exemptions and Alternatives

While non-resident director bonds are a standard requirement, there are certain exemptions and alternatives available which may be relevant to your company’s specific circumstances.


In some cases, a company may be exempt from the requirement of having a non-resident director bond. For example, if an Irish company appoints a director who is resident within the EEA, it automatically complies with the domicile criteria, negating the need for a bond. Furthermore, if a company can demonstrate that it has established and maintained a real and continuous link with one or more economic activities being carried on in Ireland, the Minister for Business, Enterprise, and Innovation has the discretion to grant an exemption from the bond requirement. Proof of such a link could include evidence of local employment, property ownership, or significant contracts with local entities.


If securing a non-resident director bond is impractical or not preferable, there are viable alternatives a company might consider. One such option is to appoint an alternate director who is a resident of the EEA. This person can fulfill the same responsibilities and obligations on the company’s board, thus meeting the residency requirement without the need for a bond. Another alternative is establishing a branch office in another EEA country where the law does not require such bonds, provided that this aligns with your business strategy and operational needs.

Applying for an Exemption

Securing an exemption from the non-resident director bond requirement involves several steps. Initially, the company must compile comprehensive documentation proving the continuous economic link to Ireland, such as employment records, invoices, contracts, and details of property ownership or leases. This evidence must be submitted alongside a formal application to the Department of Business, Enterprise, and Innovation. It’s important to note that obtaining an exemption is discretionary, and the company must clearly demonstrate substantial connections to justify the request.

Practical Considerations

When evaluating the option of applying for an exemption or appointing an alternate director, it is advisable to consult with legal and financial advisors to ensure compliance with all regulatory obligations. Each alternative has its own set of requirements and implications, impacting the company’s governance, financial planning, and operational logistics. Proper strategic planning and informed decision-making can help optimize compliance while addressing the unique needs and objectives of your business.

By understanding the available exemptions and alternatives to non-resident director bonds, companies can adopt a strategy that ensures regulatory compliance while being aligned with their operational needs and goals. This proactive approach not only safeguards against potential penalties but also supports long-term business sustainability and growth.

Key Points to Note

Importance of Compliance

Ensuring compliance with Irish company law regarding non-resident director bonds is not merely a bureaucratic formality; it is a fundamental aspect of maintaining both legal and operational integrity within the jurisdiction. Compliance demonstrates a company’s commitment to following local regulations, which can enhance trust with stakeholders, including clients, partners, and regulatory authorities.

Financial Considerations

The costs associated with non-resident director bonds can vary, depending on the bond value and specific terms set by the bond provider. Companies should incorporate these costs into their financial planning and budgeting processes. Understanding the financial implications, including the premium payments and potential renewal fees, is essential for effective financial management.

Risk Management

Obtaining a non-resident director bond can be seen as a risk management tool. In addition to fulfilling legal requirements, the bond provides a level of security against potential liabilities that may arise from having non-resident directors. This can be particularly important for companies operating in multiple jurisdictions, where different regulatory standards apply.

Regular Monitoring and Updates

Regularly monitoring the status and expiration dates of non-resident director bonds ensures that companies remain compliant continuously. Implementing a systematic approach to track these dates and setting reminders for renewal processes can help prevent oversight. Additionally, staying updated with any changes in legislation regarding non-resident director requirements is crucial for ongoing compliance.

Documentation and Record Keeping

Maintaining thorough documentation and records related to non-resident director bonds, including application forms, approval letters, and bond certificates, is vital. These documents should be securely stored and readily accessible for review by regulatory authorities or during internal audits. Proper record-keeping also facilitates smooth renewals or modifications to the bond as needed.

Strategic Decision-Making

Choosing between securing a non-resident director bond or opting for exemptions and alternatives requires careful strategic decision-making. Companies should weigh the pros and cons of each option, considering factors such as cost, administrative burden, and long-term business strategy. Consulting with legal, financial, and operational advisors can provide valuable insights to inform this decision.

Impact on Stakeholders

Ensuring compliance and choosing the right approach for non-resident director bonds can have a broader impact on the company’s stakeholders. Transparent communication about compliance initiatives and decisions can strengthen relationships with investors, clients, and regulators. Demonstrating a proactive stance on regulatory adherence can also enhance the company’s reputation in the market.

By paying attention to these key points, companies can navigate the complexities of non-resident director bonds more effectively, ensuring they remain compliant while aligning with their broader business objectives.

Purpose of Non-Resident Director Bonds

Non-resident director bonds serve a critical role in ensuring that companies with directors who reside outside of Ireland remain compliant with local corporate governance laws. The primary purpose of such bonds is to provide a financial guarantee that the company will fulfill its statutory obligations and responsibilities under Irish law. This includes responsibilities related to tax compliance, regulatory submissions, and overall corporate governance.

Ensuring Statutory Compliance

One key objective of non-resident director bonds is to safeguard compliance with the Companies Act 2014 and other pertinent legislation. By securing a bond, companies commit to adhering to filing requirements, timely submission of annual returns, and payment of relevant taxes. The bond acts as a safeguard for the Irish government, ensuring that even if a non-resident director is unable to fulfill their duties, financial resources are available to cover any compliance shortfalls.

Protecting Stakeholders

Another significant purpose of these bonds is to protect stakeholders, including creditors, employees, and shareholders. The bond provides a level of assurance that the company will meet its legal obligations, thereby reducing the risk of financial instability caused by non-compliance. For stakeholders, this translates into confidence that their interests are safeguarded against potential lapses in governance or financial negligence by non-resident directors.

Facilitating Business Operations

Having a non-resident director bond can also facilitate smoother business operations for companies that operate transnationally. By meeting this legal requirement, companies can avoid potential sanctions, fines, or legal disputes that could arise from non-compliance. This allows for more seamless operation within Ireland and can enhance the company’s reputation for reliability and adherence to legal norms.

Promoting Accountability

Non-resident director bonds promote accountability among company directors. Knowing that there is a financial instrument in place that guarantees compliance encourages directors to remain diligent and proactive in their governance roles. It instills a sense of responsibility, ensuring that directors take the necessary steps to maintain adherence to all aspects of Irish company law.

Encouraging Due Diligence

The process of obtaining a non-resident director bond necessitates thorough due diligence. Companies must evaluate their governance structures, financial stability, and compliance history to qualify for a bond. This exercise often leads to improved internal controls and clearer governance practices, which benefit the company in the long run. Regular assessments required for bond renewal further ensure that companies stay on top of their compliance obligations.

Enhancing Investor Confidence

For investors, the presence of a non-resident director bond can be an indicator of the company’s dedication to robust governance practices. It can enhance trust and confidence in the company’s management, making it a more attractive investment prospect. Transparent compliance with regulatory requirements demonstrates the company’s commitment to good governance, which is a critical consideration for potential investors.

Conclusively, non-resident director bonds are pivotal in maintaining corporate governance standards, protecting stakeholder interests, and ensuring seamless operational continuity for companies. By fostering an environment of accountability and compliance, these bonds underpin the integrity and robustness of corporate activities within Ireland.

Who Needs to Know?

Understanding the intricacies of non-resident director bonds is crucial for several key stakeholders within and outside the company. Here’s a more detailed look at who needs to be well-informed about these bonds and why:

Company Directors and Executives

Non-resident director bonds directly impact the company’s directors and executives, particularly those who reside outside of Ireland. It is essential for these individuals to comprehend the regulatory requirements and the implications of such bonds on their roles. They must be aware of their responsibilities to ensure compliance with Irish law and understand how the bond strengthens their accountability.

Legal and Compliance Teams

Navigating the legal landscape associated with non-resident director bonds requires expertise, making it vital for the legal and compliance teams to stay informed. These teams must have in-depth knowledge of the Companies Act 2014 and related legislation to guide the company through the process of securing bonds. Their role includes ensuring that all statutory obligations are met and that the company remains compliant to avoid penalties or legal repercussions.

Financial Officers and Accountants

The financial aspects of non-resident director bonds, including their cost and financial impact, fall under the purview of the company’s financial officers and accountants. These professionals need to understand the financial obligations that come with securing and maintaining such bonds. They play a crucial role in budgeting for the bond expenses and ensuring that the financial guarantees required for compliance are adequately covered.

Investors and Shareholders

For investors and shareholders, awareness of non-resident director bonds translates into confidence in the company’s governance practices. They need to be informed about these bonds as they reflect the company’s commitment to regulatory compliance and accountability. Transparent communication regarding non-resident director bonds can enhance investor trust and contribute to a more favorable perception of the company’s management and operational integrity.

Regulatory Authorities

Regulatory bodies and governmental agencies overseeing corporate compliance in Ireland must be well-versed in the provisions and enforcement of non-resident director bonds. Their role involves monitoring companies for adherence to the stipulated requirements and ensuring that bonds are effectively implemented to protect public and stakeholder interests. Clear guidelines and stringent enforcement by these authorities are essential for maintaining the integrity of the corporate governance framework.

Risk Management Teams

Risk management teams within companies should understand the implications of non-resident director bonds as part of the broader risk mitigation strategy. These bonds minimize the risk of non-compliance-related financial instability and legal challenges. Risk managers need to evaluate the potential impacts and benefits of securing such bonds to align with the company’s overall risk management objectives.


While employees may not be involved directly in the decision-making process related to non-resident director bonds, they benefit from the stability and compliance assurance these bonds provide. Educating employees about the company’s commitment to governance and regulatory compliance can foster a positive workplace culture and reinforce the company’s reputation as a responsible employer.

By ensuring that all relevant stakeholders are well-informed about non-resident director bonds, companies can foster a culture of compliance and accountability. This comprehensive understanding helps align everyone’s efforts towards maintaining robust corporate governance and achieving long-term business success.


Non-Resident Director Bonds are essential for Irish companies that wish to appoint directors residing outside the EEA. They offer a financial safety net for the government and ensure compliance with the Companies Act 2014. Make sure to set up this bond at the incorporation stage or upon changing your board to include non-EEA residents.

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Office 80, Cherry Orchard Industrial Estate Ballyfermot Road, Co.

Dublin D10NX96, Ireland.

Monday to Friday: 0800 hours – 1600 hours
Saturday & Sunday: Closed

Email: moh@tasconsulting.ie

Tel: +353 01 442 8230

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is a Non-Resident Director Bond?

A Non-Resident Director Bond is a financial guarantee required for companies in Ireland that appoint directors residing outside the European Economic Area (EEA). It ensures compliance with the Companies Act 2014 and provides a safety net for covering costs associated with penalties and fines due to non-compliance.

2. Why do Irish companies need Non-Resident Director Bonds?

Irish companies need Non-Resident Director Bonds to legally appoint directors who reside outside the EEA. The bond guarantees regulatory compliance and mitigates the risk of financial losses from potential penalties for non-compliance with Irish law.

3. How much does a Non-Resident Director Bond cost?

The cost of a Non-Resident Director Bond in Ireland typically amounts to €25,000. This sum reflects the bond’s coverage limit, which underwrites potential penalties or fines due to the company’s non-compliance with statutory obligations.

4. How long is a Non-Resident Director Bond valid?

A Non-Resident Director Bond is generally valid for a minimum period of two years. Companies must ensure their bonds are renewed before expiration to maintain continuous compliance with the Companies Act 2014.

5. What happens if a Non-Resident Director Bond is not secured?

Failure to secure a Non-Resident Director Bond for a director residing outside the EEA may result in penal consequences, including fines, legal action, and reputational damage. It is essential to comply with this requirement to avoid such risks.

6. Can a Non-Resident Director Bond be transferred between directors?

No, Non-Resident Director Bonds are specific to each director and cannot be transferred. If there’s a new appointment of a non-EEA resident director, a new bond must be secured for that individual.

7. Who issues Non-Resident Director Bonds?

Non-Resident Director Bonds are typically issued by insurance companies or financial institutions authorized to provide surety and bonding services. Companies need to approach these institutions to arrange the issuance of the bond.

8. Are there any exemptions for Non-Resident Director Bonds?

Yes, companies can be exempted if they have a “Real and Continuous Link” with economic activities in the State, as determined by the Revenue Commissioners. Specific criteria must be met to qualify for this exemption.

9. How do companies apply for a Non-Resident Director Bond?

Companies can apply for a Non-Resident Director Bond by contacting an authorized insurance company or financial institution that offers bonding services. The process involves completing an application form, providing necessary documentation, and paying the bond premium.

10. What documents are required to secure a Non-Resident Director Bond?

To secure a Non-Resident Director Bond, companies generally need to submit proof of the director’s residence, identification documents, and company registration details. The specific documentation requirements may vary depending on the issuing institution’s policies.

11. What are Non-Resident Director Bonds?

Non-resident director bonds are a mandatory requirement for companies in Ireland when at least one of their directors is not resident in the European Economic Area (EEA). This bond acts as a form of financial security, ensuring that the company will comply with certain obligations under Irish company law, even if its directors are based outside the EEA.

12. Why Non-Resident Director Bonds are Necessary

The primary purpose of non-resident director bonds is to guarantee adherence to legal requirements, especially for companies whose directors live outside the EEA. This requirement mitigates the risk of non-compliance in situations where directors may not be immediately accessible to address regulatory issues. The bond serves as a financial guarantee for covering potential penalties or fines associated with non-compliance, such as failure to file annual returns or other statutory obligations.

13. How Non-Resident Director Bonds Work?

A non-resident director bond is essentially an insurance policy provided by a financial institution or insurance company authorized in Ireland. The bond must be valued at a minimum of €25,000 and valid for at least two years from the date of issue. It covers specific liabilities that may arise under the Companies Acts, including any fines imposed for not complying with these regulations.

14. What is Section 137 about?

Section 137 of The Companies Act 2014 requires that at least one director of a company registered in Ireland must be a resident of the European Economic Area (EEA). This requirement is put in place to ensure that companies have a local presence and can be held accountable to local regulatory authorities. In cases where no director meets this requirement, the company must obtain a Non-Resident Director Bond.

15. When Is a Bond Not Required?

A bond is not required if the company has at least one director who is a resident within the EEA. Additionally, certain exceptions apply where a Subsidiary Exemption is in place, which may exempt the company from needing a bond if it is a wholly-owned subsidiary of a company established in another EEA state.

16. What is a Non-Resident Director Bond?

A Non-Resident Director Bond is a type of insurance policy that a company must take out if it does not have an EEA-resident director. The bond guarantees to pay a specified sum if penalties arise for failing to comply with certain company law provisions. This bond must be in place for a minimum term of two years and needs to be renewed thereafter if the situation remains unchanged.

17. What does the bond cover?

The bond covers potential fines or penalties that may be levied against the company for non-compliance with certain legal obligations. Specifically, it covers liabilities under Section 271 and Section 290 of The Companies Act related to financial statements, annual returns, and notifications of the situation of the registered office.

18. How much does the bond cost?

The cost of obtaining a Non-Resident Director Bond typically ranges from €1,500 to €2,000 for the required two-year period. The exact cost can vary based on the insurance provider and the specific circumstances of the company.

19. How to obtain a Non-Resident Director Bond?

To obtain a Non-Resident Director Bond, companies usually approach an insurance company or financial institution that offers this service. The application process generally involves providing detailed information about the company’s directors and financial standing. Approval is usually granted after a risk assessment is completed.

20. How long does it take to register a company in Ireland?

The timeframe can vary, but typically the process of registering a company in Ireland can take between five to ten working days. This includes the preparation and submission of documents to the Companies Registration Office (CRO).

21. Can a non-resident establish a bank account in Ireland for their company?

Yes, non-residents can establish a bank account in Ireland for their company. However, this process may involve additional documentation and due diligence checks by the bank to comply with Irish regulatory requirements.

22. What ongoing compliance requirements will my company have?

Irish companies are required to file annual returns with the CRO, hold annual general meetings (AGMs), and maintain accurate financial records. Additionally, companies must comply with tax filing requirements, including Corporation Tax, VAT, and employee-related taxes.

23. How can TAS Consulting support with ongoing compliance?

TAS Consulting offers services to ensure your company remains compliant with all Irish regulations. This includes annual return filings, bookkeeping, tax compliance, and advisory services to keep you informed about any changes in the regulatory landscape. Contact us to discuss a tailored compliance package for your company.