TAS Consulting

PAYE Umbrella Company

  • Hassle-Free Payroll Management: Simplify your payroll process with our comprehensive PAYE umbrella services.
  • Compliance Assurance: Stay compliant with Irish tax regulations and employment laws effortlessly.
  • Timely Payments: Enjoy guaranteed on-time payments, ensuring financial stability and peace of mind.
  • Expert Support: Access dedicated support from our experienced team for all your payroll and tax queries.
  • Maximize Earnings: Optimize your take-home pay with our efficient PAYE management solutions.

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Monthly pay

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What is a PAYE Umbrella Company?

A PAYE (Pay As You Earn) umbrella company is a business entity that acts as an intermediary between contractors and their clients or recruitment agencies. This company takes on the administrative burden of managing payroll, tax deductions, and compliance on behalf of contractors. When a contractor signs up with a PAYE umbrella company, they essentially become an employee of that company. This arrangement allows contractors to focus more on their core work rather than getting bogged down with financial and regulatory tasks.

A PAYE Umbrella Company is an intermediate firm responsible for deducting payroll taxes on behalf of a Contractor. All payments are processed through the PAYE system with precise deductions and calculations of tax, PRSI, and USC to make sure you’re completely compliant without any hidden taxation surprises. This is a perfect solution for Professional Builders and salespeople that are contracting on short-term jobs or people wanting to keep Class A PRSI Contributions.

By understanding and utilizing a PAYE umbrella company, contractors can enjoy the benefits of running their business with greater ease and compliance, ultimately helping them to concentrate on their primary expertise while ensuring financial stability and legal adherence.

A PAYE Umbrella Company is an intermediate firm responsible for deducting payroll taxes on behalf of a contractor. All payments are processed through the PAYE system with precise deductions and calculations of tax, PRSI, and USC, ensuring full compliance without any hidden taxation surprises. This is an ideal solution for professional builders, salespeople on short-term jobs, or individuals wanting to maintain Class A PRSI Contributions.

If you use the Umbrella (PAYE) solution, you will be responsible for both employee and employer PRSI. This is the industry standard for this type of service, and it ensures that you keep your PRSI benefits in full.

You only get paid as a contractor if you work. You don’t get paid for sick days or holidays. Contractors, on the other hand, are paid a higher daily equivalent than employees in the same role. We’ll give you tips on how to best structure your finances and maintain financial stability as a contractor.

You don’t have to be concerned about any of that. TAS Consulting handles all of the paperwork, and there are no hidden fees. Everything is covered by your low monthly fee. You are not considered self-employed (even if you are still a contractor) if you are a member of an umbrella (PAYE) company, and as a result, you are not required to file a personal Income Tax Return with the Revenue Commissioners.

TAS Consulting will work to keep you and your Umbrella (PAYE) Company tax compliant while also giving you the best advice on how to build wealth for the future.

How It Works

  • Step 1
  • Step 2
  • Step 3
  • Step 4
  • Step 5

Registration: Contractors register with a PAYE umbrella company, typically by completing an online form and providing necessary identification and employment details.

Employment Contract: Once registered, the contractor becomes an employee of the umbrella company, receiving a contract of employment. This contract outlines the terms and conditions of their employment, including rates of pay, holiday entitlements, and any other employee benefits.

Client Engagements: The contractor continues to secure contracts and work for different clients, as usual. However, instead of invoicing the client directly, the PAYE umbrella company does this on the contractor’s behalf.

Payment and Deductions: The client pays the umbrella company for the contractor’s services. The umbrella company then processes the payment, making all necessary deductions such as income tax, National Insurance contributions, and any other relevant withholdings before disbursing the net amount to the contractor.

Payslips and Benefits: Contractors receive regular payslips detailing their gross pay, deductions made, and net pay. Additionally, since they are employees of the umbrella company, contractors have access to benefits typically reserved for permanent employees, such as paid holidays and statutory sick pay.

Here’s What You Get!

When engaging with a PAYE umbrella company, contractors can expect a comprehensive suite of services designed to simplify their professional lives:

Full Payroll Management

The PAYE umbrella company takes over the entire payroll process, ensuring timely and accurate salaries. This includes calculating gross pay, making statutory deductions such as income tax and National Insurance contributions, and issuing payslips.

Employment Rights and Benefits

As employees of the umbrella company, contractors are entitled to various employment rights and benefits. These typically include:

  • Holiday Pay: Accruing paid holidays similar to any other employee, which can be taken as needed.
  • Statutory Sick Pay (SSP): Eligibility to claim SSP if unable to work due to illness, ensuring some income continuity.
  • Maternity/Paternity Pay: Access to statutory maternity or paternity pay, providing financial support during important family events.
  • Workplace Pension: Automatic enrolment into a workplace pension scheme, ensuring contributions towards future retirement.

Insurance Coverage

Umbrella companies often provide comprehensive insurance coverages, such as:

  • Professional Indemnity Insurance: Protects against claims of professional negligence.
  • Public Liability Insurance: Covers claims of injury or damage caused to third parties.
  • Employer’s Liability Insurance: Mandatory insurance covering claims from employees who might get injured or ill due to their job.

Dedicated Account Management

Contractors typically receive support from a dedicated account manager who provides personalized assistance and guidance, ensuring all queries and concerns are addressed promptly.

Expense Management

While the ability to claim certain expenses may be limited compared to running a limited company, many umbrella companies allow contractors to claim allowable business expenses. These could include travel costs, accommodation during temporary assignments, and some professional development costs, all of which are processed efficiently to maximize take-home pay.

Tax Efficiency and Planning

Expert advice on tax planning is another valuable service. Contractors can benefit from insights on optimizing tax efficiency, ensuring compliance with the latest tax laws and regulations while minimizing tax liabilities.

Additional Perks

Some PAYE umbrella companies go beyond basic offerings to provide additional perks such as access to online portals for timesheet submissions, exclusive discounts, and cashback offers, enhancing the overall contractor experience.

By opting for a PAYE umbrella company, contractors receive a cohesive set of services that not only makes their financial and administrative life easier but also provides peace of mind with a reliable support system. This comprehensive approach allows them to focus on delivering quality work without worrying about the complexities of financial management and statutory compliance.

  • Who Should
  • Who May Not

Who Should Choose a PAYE Umbrella Company?

PAYE umbrella companies are ideal for contractors who value convenience, financial stability, and compliance. They are particularly beneficial for:

  • New Contractors: Those who are new to contracting and may be unfamiliar with the complexities of managing their finances and compliance requirements.
  • Short-Term Contracts: Contractors working on short-term projects who want to maximize their earnings without the long-term commitment of setting up a limited company.
  • Part-Time Contractors: Individuals who contract part-time while balancing other responsibilities or projects.
  • Compliance-Conscious Contractors: Those who want to ensure they remain fully compliant with all tax laws and regulations, avoiding the risks associated with non-compliance.
  • Professionals Seeking Benefits: Contractors who desire the security of employment benefits such as holiday pay, sick leave, and pension contributions.

Who May Not Need a PAYE Umbrella Company?

While PAYE umbrella companies offer many advantages, they might not be suitable for everyone. Certain contractors may find that other options better align with their business goals and financial strategies:

  • High-Earning Contractors: Those who have high earnings and want to take advantage of the tax efficiency that setting up a limited company can offer.
  • Experienced Contractors: Individuals who are experienced in contracting and comfortable managing their own financial affairs, including tax submissions and compliance.
  • Long-term Contractors: Contractors working on long-term projects who prefer the potential tax benefits of operating through their own limited company.
  • Entrepreneurial Contractors: Those who have future business expansion plans that align with running their own company.

By evaluating their unique needs and circumstances, contractors can make an informed decision about whether a PAYE umbrella company is the right choice for them.

paye umbrella company

PAYE Umbrella Company

Chose to contract under a PAYE Umbrella Company for Ease and Simplicity.

We are going to handle your setup, all tax duties, and paperwork, and accurately compute your taxation and make sure you are paid on time, every moment.

  • Advantages
  • Disadvantages

Advantages of Using a PAYE Umbrella Company

  • Compliance: Ensures contractors remain compliant with all tax regulations and employment laws, reducing the risk of fines or legal issues.
  • Simplicity: Simplifies financial management by handling invoicing, payroll, and tax deductions.
  • Employee Benefits: Provides access to benefits such as holiday pay and sick leave, which are not commonly available to independent contractors.
  • Professional Support: Offers professional support for tax and financial planning, helping contractors optimize their earnings.

Disadvantages of Using a PAYE Umbrella Company

While using a PAYE umbrella company offers many conveniences, it also comes with certain drawbacks that contractors should consider:

  • Cost: One of the primary disadvantages is the cost associated with using an umbrella company. Contractors typically pay a fee for the company’s services, which can reduce their overall take-home pay. These fees can be either a fixed weekly/monthly amount or a percentage of the contractor’s earnings.
  • Limited Control: Contractors may experience a loss of control over their financial affairs. The umbrella company decides how deductions and payments are handled, which could lead to potential discrepancies or misunderstandings regarding pay and tax deductions.
  • Employee Status: By engaging with an umbrella company, contractors become employees of the umbrella company, which could limit their ability to claim certain business expenses. This employment status may also affect their eligibility for certain tax advantages enjoyed by self-employed workers.
  • Dependence on the Umbrella Company: Contractors rely heavily on the umbrella company’s efficiency and reliability to manage their payroll and tax affairs. Any delays or mistakes by the company can impact the contractor’s cash flow and financial planning.
  • Less Take-Home Pay: Due to the combination of service fees and employment taxes, contractors might take home less pay compared to operating as a limited company or other contracting models. This is particularly significant for higher-earning contractors.
  • Features
  • Why Choose
  • Benefits
  • Services

Key Features of PAYE Umbrella Company in Ireland

Simplified Payroll Management

One of the standout features of a PAYE umbrella company in Ireland is the simplification of payroll management. Contractors receive their wages through the PAYE (Pay As You Earn) system, which means taxes and national insurance contributions are automatically deducted by the umbrella company. This ensures compliance and removes the burden of self-assessment and tax returns from the contractor’s responsibilities.

Comprehensive Compliance Support

PAYE umbrella companies are well-versed in Irish tax laws and regulations, providing comprehensive compliance support. This includes staying current with legislative changes, ensuring that contractors meet their tax obligations, and offering guidance on legal matters. Such support helps contractors avoid penalties and focus on their core work.

Employment Benefits

Contractors working under a PAYE umbrella company enjoy employment benefits traditionally reserved for permanent employees. Benefits may include holiday pay, sick pay, maternity/paternity leave, and pension contributions. These perks provide contractors with financial security and work-life balance, which are often missing in freelance or contract roles.

Professional Indemnity Insurance

Another critical feature of a PAYE umbrella company is the provision of professional indemnity insurance. This insurance protects contractors from potential claims of negligence or professional mistakes, offering peace of mind as they carry out their contractual obligations.

Administrative Efficiency

PAYE umbrella companies handle all administrative tasks associated with contracting. This includes invoicing clients, chasing payments, and managing work expenses. By taking care of these administrative duties, contractors can save time and reduce the stress associated with running a business.

Expert Financial Advice

Many PAYE umbrella companies provide access to financial advisors who can help contractors manage their finances efficiently. From budgeting to retirement planning, these advisors offer personalized advice tailored to each contractor’s financial situation and goals.

Enhanced Networking Opportunities

Being a part of a PAYE umbrella company often comes with access to a wider network of industry professionals. Contractors can benefit from networking events, forums, and exclusive seminars that help them connect with peers, share knowledge, and grow professionally.

Transparency and Trust

Transparency is a key feature of reputable PAYE umbrella companies. Contractors receive clear and itemized payslips, detailing all deductions and contributions. This transparency builds trust and ensures that contractors are fully aware of their financial standings at all times.

By leveraging the key features offered by PAYE umbrella companies in Ireland, contractors can enjoy a seamless, compliant, and rewarding contracting experience.

Why Choose a PAYE Umbrella Company?

Opting for a PAYE umbrella company like TAS Consulting comes with a suite of advantages tailored to simplify your contracting experience. Here’s a deeper dive into why our services stand out:

Streamlined Financial Management

With TAS Consulting, you no longer need to juggle multiple financial responsibilities. Our integrated platform ensures all your tax, payroll, and expense management needs are efficiently handled. This saves you valuable time, allowing you to concentrate on your core projects rather than being bogged down by financial paperwork.

Comprehensive Compliance

Staying compliant with tax laws and regulations can be daunting for contractors. TAS Consulting removes this burden by providing expert guidance and ensuring all your submissions and payments are made accurately and on time. This not only protects you from potential legal issues but also optimizes your tax efficiency.

Dedicated Support

Our client-centric approach extends to our support services. Each contractor is assigned a dedicated account manager who acts as a single point of contact, addressing any queries or concerns you might have. This ensures that you receive personalized attention and tailored advice, making your contracting journey smoother and more rewarding.

Community and Networking

As a member of TAS Consulting, you gain access to a thriving community of like-minded professionals. Participation in our exclusive networking events and forums can open doors to new opportunities, collaborations, and insights, enriching both your professional and personal life.

Cutting-Edge Technology

We harness the latest technology to deliver a seamless user experience. Our online platform is intuitive and user-friendly, providing real-time updates, comprehensive reports, and easy tracking of your financial activities. This technological edge allows you to stay informed and in control at all times.

Wellbeing Services

Understanding the unique challenges faced by contractors, our Contractor Wellbeing Programme is designed to support your overall wellbeing. From financial advice with our Financial Wellbeing Advisor to 24-hour access to support services, we ensure that you’re not just professionally successful, but also personally fulfilled.

Continuous Improvement

At TAS Consulting, we are committed to evolving alongside our clients. We regularly update our services based on the latest industry trends and client feedback, ensuring that you always have access to the best tools and resources available.

Getting Started

Joining TAS Consulting is a straightforward process. Simply contact us to discuss your needs, and we will guide you through the setup. From there, you can enjoy all the benefits mentioned above, making your contracting experience in Ireland not just easier, but also more rewarding.

Benefits of Choosing TAS Consulting for PAYE Umbrella Services

When you partner with TAS Consulting, you gain access to a multitude of benefits specifically tailored for contractors in Ireland. Here’s a deeper look at the advantages you can expect:

Comprehensive Payroll Management

Our comprehensive payroll management services ensure that you get paid accurately and on time. We handle all aspects of payroll processing, including calculating earnings, deducting taxes, and ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements. This means you can focus on your core contracting work without worrying about administrative payroll tasks.

Expert Tax Compliance Guidance

Navigating the complexities of tax compliance can be daunting. Our team of tax experts is here to simplify the process for you. We provide guidance on PAYE, PRSI, USC, and any other relevant tax obligations, ensuring you remain compliant and avoid any penalties. Our tax advice is bespoke, taking into account your unique contracting circumstances.

Intuitive Online Platform

Our user-friendly online platform is designed to make your life easier. With a few clicks, you can track expenses, upload receipts, access payslips, and generate comprehensive financial reports. The platform is accessible 24/7, giving you the flexibility to manage your finances and stay updated on the go.

Personalized Financial Advice

TAS Consulting believes in a personalized approach to financial management. Our Financial Wellbeing Advisor is available to provide bespoke advice tailored to your financial goals. Whether you’re looking to maximize savings, plan for retirement, or invest wisely, our advisor will guide you towards making informed financial decisions.

Access to Exclusive Resources

As a member of the TAS Consulting community, you gain access to a wealth of exclusive resources. This includes detailed guides, whitepapers, blog articles, and webinars covering a range of topics relevant to contractors. Stay ahead of industry trends and gain valuable insights to enhance your contracting career.

Community Support and Networking

Being a contractor can sometimes feel isolating. At TAS Consulting, we foster a strong community spirit among our members. Join us for networking events, participate in forums, and connect with like-minded professionals. Our community platform is designed to help you share experiences, gain support, and build valuable professional relationships.

Dedicated Account Management

Each contractor is assigned a dedicated account manager who serves as your primary point of contact. Your account manager will provide personalized support, answer your queries promptly, and assist you with any challenges you face. This dedicated service ensures that your contracting journey is smooth and hassle-free.

By choosing TAS Consulting, you’re not just selecting an umbrella company; you’re partnering with a team that is committed to your success. Our holistic approach to contractor support ensures that every aspect of your professional and financial life is well-managed, allowing you to focus on what you do best.

Conquer the complexities of payroll and tax compliance with our top-notch PAYE umbrella services. Designed for contractors, our solutions guarantee hassle-free payroll management, compliance with Irish tax regulations, and maximized earnings.

Why Choose Our PAYE Umbrella Company?

Hassle-Free Payroll Management

Our hassle-free payroll management service is designed to take the burden off your shoulders. We manage all aspects of payroll, from calculating earnings and deducting the correct amount of taxes to ensuring compliance with Ireland’s regulatory requirements. This means no more worrying about complex administrative tasks; we handle everything for you. Our team ensures that your payments are processed accurately and on time, giving you peace of mind and allowing you to focus on your projects. Additionally, we stay up-to-date with any changes in tax laws and regulations, ensuring your payroll is always compliant.

Simplify your payroll process with our comprehensive PAYE umbrella services. We handle all aspects of payroll, ensuring you can focus on what you do best—your work.

Compliance Assurance

Ensuring compliance with tax laws and regulations is crucial for any contractor, and TAS Consulting makes this process seamless. Our comprehensive compliance assurance services include regular audits and checks to ensure that all payroll activities meet the stringent standards set by Ireland’s tax authorities. We keep you informed about any legislative changes that might affect your contracting work, and provide step-by-step guidance on adhering to these updates. Our team’s proactive approach means potential compliance issues are identified and resolved swiftly, reducing the risk of penalties or legal complications. Trust our expertise to keep your contracting work compliant and hassle-free.

Additional Perks and Benefits

In addition to our core services, TAS Consulting offers a range of additional perks and benefits designed to enhance your contracting experience. Members can access special discounts on professional development courses, software subscriptions, and health insurance plans. We also provide tools and resources for continuous learning, ensuring you stay ahead in your field. Our partnership with financial institutions enables us to offer attractive loan rates and exclusive investment opportunities. By choosing TAS Consulting, you’re not just managing your payroll and tax compliance; you’re gaining access to a suite of benefits that support your growth and well-being.

Responsive Customer Support

At TAS Consulting, we understand the importance of reliable customer support. Our responsive customer service team is available to assist you with any queries or issues you might encounter. Whether you need help with navigating our online platform, understanding tax regulations, or anything else, our team is just a call or email away. We pride ourselves on providing timely and effective solutions, ensuring you never feel left in the dark. Our commitment to outstanding customer service ensures you always have the support you need to succeed in your contracting career.

Stay effortlessly compliant with Irish tax regulations and employment laws. Our team ensures precise deductions and calculations of tax, PRSI, and USC, eliminating hidden taxation surprises.

Timely Payments

At TAS Consulting, we know that timely payments are crucial for managing your finances effectively. Our commitment to prompt payment processing ensures that you never have to worry about delays. We understand that cash flow is the lifeblood of your contracting business, which is why we meticulously track invoicing and payment schedules to guarantee you receive your earnings on time, every time. Leveraging advanced financial technology, we streamline payroll processes and facilitate direct deposits, ensuring your funds are accessible with minimal waiting periods. Additionally, we provide you with transparent and easily accessible payment records, empowering you with the information needed to manage your budget and plan for the future.

Enjoy guaranteed on-time payments, ensuring financial stability and peace of mind. With our same-day payment processing, you can rest assured knowing your funds are transferred efficiently.

Expert Support

Our expert support network at TAS Consulting goes beyond just payroll and compliance assistance. We provide you with access to industry specialists who offer tailored advice and guidance relevant to your field of work. This can range from career coaching and mentorship opportunities to legal counsel for contract reviews and negotiations. Additionally, our support includes financial advisory services to help you make informed decisions about investments, savings, and retirement planning.

By leveraging our extensive expertise and resources, we ensure that you have a robust support system that facilitates your professional growth while mitigating potential risks. Whether you’re looking to expand your skill set, navigate complex contractual obligations, or secure your financial future, our team of experts is here to help you every step of the way. With TAS Consulting, you’re not just getting a service provider; you’re gaining a dedicated partner committed to your long-term success.

Access dedicated support from our experienced team for all your payroll and tax queries. Each contractor is assigned a dedicated account manager to handle all payroll, tax, and compliance issues.

Maximize Earnings

At TAS Consulting, we understand the importance of maximizing your earnings as a contractor. Our team actively works with you to identify the most tax-efficient ways to manage your income. By leveraging our deep understanding of tax regulations and financial planning, we provide personalized advice to help you retain more of your hard-earned money.

Our strategies include optimizing your allowable expenses, making sure you benefit from any applicable tax reliefs, and advising on the most effective ways to structure your finances. Additionally, through our partnerships with financial advisors, we can assist you in making smart investment choices that yield substantial returns.

Furthermore, we offer workshops and resources focused on financial literacy and tax optimization, empowering you to make informed decisions about your contracting income. With TAS Consulting, you’re not just earning money—you’re maximizing your potential for financial growth and stability.

FAQs about PAYE Umbrella Services

1. What services are included in the PAYE umbrella offering?

Our PAYE umbrella services include comprehensive payroll management, tax compliance, timely payments, and dedicated support for all payroll and tax-related queries.

2. How do I sign up with your PAYE umbrella company?

Signing up is simple and quick. Visit our website, fill out the necessary forms, and one of our account managers will guide you through the setup process.

3. Can I join if I have multiple contracts?

Yes, our PAYE umbrella services are designed to handle multiple contracts seamlessly, ensuring accurate tax deductions and compliance for each contract.

4. What taxes are deducted through the PAYE umbrella system?

The PAYE system processes deductions for income tax, PRSI (Pay Related Social Insurance), and USC (Universal Social Charge), ensuring full compliance with Irish tax laws.

5. Will I receive a payslip?

Yes, you will receive a detailed payslip for each payment, outlining all deductions and net take-home pay.

6. How quickly are payments processed?

We offer same-day payment processing, ensuring that your funds are transferred efficiently and on time.

7. What kind of support can I expect?

Each contractor is assigned a dedicated account manager who provides personalized support for all payroll, tax, and compliance issues.

8. Is there any insurance coverage included?

Yes, our services include comprehensive insurance coverage, such as Professional Indemnity, Employers Liability, and Public Liability insurance.

9. How does your PAYE umbrella company help maximize my earnings?

We provide proactive tax advice and planning to ensure that you retain the maximum possible earnings while remaining fully compliant with all tax regulations.

10. Can I access support outside regular business hours?

Yes, our support services include access to assistance outside regular business hours to help with urgent queries related to payroll and tax matters.

Having a full-time group of consultants, tax specialists, payroll and also a committed contractor support team, we provide you the experience, knowledge and expertise to meet all functions for contract taxation, compliance and management. We are going to keep it easy, and we will not charge you a portion of your budget earnings.

Discover the full potential of your earnings with our strategic advice and expert financial planning. Let us help you build a prosperous future while you concentrate on what you do best.

Optimize your take-home pay with our efficient PAYE management solutions. We provide proactive tax advice and planning to help you retain as much of your earnings as possible while staying fully compliant with tax laws.

setup umbrella company

Set Up

Begin your set up under the PAYE Umbrella Company by completing our below-given form or directly call us.

Advisory Team

Our Expert Adviser Team will contact you prior to your set up and help with any Queries.

Contract for Services

We’ll cooperate with your agency and submit all details required for your Contract for Services

Revenue Account

You’ll need to set up a Revenue Account but we’ll assist in that process.

Business Expenses

Your Payroll Account Manager is available to advise you about claimable Company expenses and ensure You Get all entitlements

Tax and Payroll

On receipt of capital, we ensure instant processing of taxpayers with accurate tax calculations over a Real-time basis


Net payment is transferred to your Personal Bank Account with a Payslip

Don’t just take our word for it! See what our clients have to say about our services on our Google Review Page.

Ready to unlock your business potential? Partner with TAS Consulting and experience the peace of mind that comes with expert accounting and tax help.

The prices shown are typical for each package, however, they can be tailored to you and your business. Excludes VAT.

By choosing TAS Consulting, you’re not just getting an accountant—you’re gaining a financial partner dedicated to helping your business thrive. Join the many satisfied clients who have already benefited from our expertise and unlock your business’s full potential today.

Company Registration Form

First Name *

Last name *

Contact Number *

Email Address *

1st Choice Name *

2nd Choice Name *

No. of Directors *

No. of Shareholders *

Company Objective (Optional)


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Office 80, Cherry Orchard Industrial Estate Ballyfermot Road, Co. Dublin D10NX96, Ireland.

Monday to Friday: 0800 hours – 1600 hours
Saturday & Sunday: Closed

Email: moh@tasconsulting.ie

Telephone: +353 1 442 8230

Mobile/WhatsApp: +353 85 1477625

Our Best Services

Need top-notch accounting help? TAS Consulting in Dublin offers unbeatable quality and dependable service. We treat every client as an individual, tailoring solutions to your specific needs. From self-assessment and business start-ups to VAT, payroll, tax consulting, and bookkeeping, TAS has you covered!

Self-assessment worries? TAS Consulting provides expert support and guidance to ensure accurate and compliant tax filings, tailored to your unique situation.

VAT made easy! TAS Consulting handles all your VAT needs, keeping things compliant and efficient for your business.

Need meticulous bookkeeping? TAS Consulting tailors services to keep your records accurate and efficient!

Top tax savings! TAS Consulting’s personalized experts use strategic planning to keep you compliant and maximize your tax savings.

Hassle-free payroll! TAS Consulting ensures accurate and timely employee payments, handling taxes efficiently so you can focus on running your business.

Launching a business? TAS Consulting offers all the support and guidance you need for a successful start!

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