TAS Consulting

Trademark Registration in Ireland

Trademark registration in Ireland allows a company to identify and protect its goods or services. Companies and individuals in Ireland can register an Irish trademark to identify their goods and services from those of other enterprises.

Trademark Registration in Ireland

In line with the Irish laws, a trademark can take any kind that could be represented by a couple of letters, figures, signs, colors, or shapes, or some combination of those together may form logos, phrases, etc.

The main element to take into account when submitting for trademark registration in Ireland, however, is that the chosen mark should possess identifying attributes, meaning it has to be exceptional and must reflect the merchandise or services of a person or business by identifying them from other people.
The registration of a trademark in Ireland isn’t complex as a procedure, but it’s lengthy due to the verifications which have to be created by the Irish Patent Office.
We are in the service to help to make the necessary preparations for trademark enrollment.

Irish Trademark

Company Name

Company Logo


Brand Names



Trademark Registration Process

So as to get the best to utilize a Trademark on the land of Ireland, an investor should employ in the Irish Patent Office by selecting among the next available approaches:

  • employing online by completing an internet form
  • sending the form from post office
  • presenting in person in the Patent Office;
  • secure drop box — useful to businesses that intend to employ on a regular basis.

Irish businesses have the majority of the advantages when seeking trademark registration in Ireland and overseas for their trading titles, products or services that they need to get protected.
It’s also great to understand that:
following the signature has been accepted, the applicant has to pay the registration fee over two months;
The whole trademark registration process takes approximately 10 weeks to finish;
The security of a registered trademark is 10 decades and may be renewed for 10 years;
The application for renewal must be submitted at least 6 weeks prior to expiry.

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