TAS Consulting

A leading general accounting and tax provider, TAS Consulting, serves hundreds of freelancers across a wide range of industries and sectors with accounting solutions tailored to the needs of the freelance sector.

We are trusted partners with both Xero which enables us to provide you with access to award-winning accounting software that will provide an end-to-end compliance solution freeing up your time to focus on securing more freelancing business. We also offer fully transparent mixed monthly packages.

Our service is ideally positioned to make life simple for you by helping you with your accountancy and tax requirements as a freelancer.

As a freelancer, you want to be in control of your income and be ready to take on the next project without the hassle of accountancy getting in the way.

We offer a simple way to manage your accountancy needs on cloud to maintain invoices and book keeping needs so that you can keep track of your day to day expenses.

If you have secured a contract or new to this area we can assist in the following matters.

  • Register you with The Tax office in Ireland. i.e Revenue 
  • Help you with the best tax efficient structure.
  • Register for VAT (subject to threshold and applicability)

Among the most common concerns of freelancers is getting compensated. As a freelancer, you may have many distinct customers. It can be tough to keep track of who owes you money, when, and how much.

That’s why it’s essential for freelancers to comprehend standard bookkeeping and utilize bookkeeping tools. You will be able to keep track of outstanding invoices, so that you may collect payment. You won’t overlook when billing your customers. And you are going to be able to quickly find the state of your money flow.

You most likely already have an accountant. If you do not, you need to hire one today. However, an accountant might only review your financing annually. Bookkeeping gives you a more instantaneous view, particularly once you make updates daily. If you find you run out of time to keep your accounts regularly, then investing in a bookkeeper will free you up to spend additional time on doing what you love.

We set up a call or meeting (depending on the Covid situation) to understand your current situation.

We shall quote you the best competitive price to have control over tax and company compliance.

We have served thousands of Self employed in past and continue to help to meet your tax needs.

For more info please contact us at 01 4428230 or 0851477625 (Phone or WhatsApp)

    Our Services

    We offer a wide range of accounting-related services of unrivalled quality and dependability. We believe that each customer should be treated as an individual with distinct needs and requirements. TAS provides each customer with customised and tailored solutions in the following areas:

    Our Services

    We offer a wide range of accounting-related services of unrivalled quality and dependability. We believe that each customer should be treated as an individual with distinct needs and requirements. TAS provides each customer with customised and tailored solutions in the following areas: